The Role of Marketing in Solving Problems of the Social and the Labour Sphere of Rural Areas

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Дядик, Тетяна Василівна
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The article deals with the study of the theoretical essence of “Marketing 3.0”, the necessity and the efficiency of its usage for the regulation of a rural employment and unemployment reduction. The economic activity of population according to age groups and residence, the level of registered unemployment in rural areas and cities as well as the dynamics of average monthly earnings on the basic kinds of economic activities in Ukraine have been analysed aiming to estimate the mechanism of labour market performance in rural areas. The main reasons of youth unemployment in rural areas have been identified. The activities of employment agencies have been analysed. It has been proved that marketing 3.0 is a strategic future of the agrarian business in the context of improving the condition in the social and labour sphere.
Diadyk T. The Role of Marketing in Solving Problems of the Social and the Labour Sphere of Rural Areas / Tatyana Diadyk, Viktoria Khurdei, Volodymyr Pysarenko, Yanina Tagiltseva / redakcja Anna Brzozowska, Bogusława Ziółkowska // ZESZYTY NAUKOWE POLITECHNIKI CZĘSTOCHOWSKIEJ ZARZĄDZANIE. – Częstochowa, 2016. – Nr 21. – 112-124.
marketing 3.0, marketing research, labour market, social and labour relations, rural areas, employment