Economic aspects of development of interbranch relations in the agrarian sector

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Tomilin, O. O.
Galych, O. A.
Kalinichenko, A. V.
Галич, Олександр Анатолійович
Калініченко, Антоніна Володимирівна
Томілін, Олексій Олександрович
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University of Opole, Poland
Based on the analysis of international experience assessments of interbranch formation of economic relations and their impact on structural policies in agroindustrial production are conducted. Basic factors of education system of interbranch relations in the agrarian sector of economy of Ukraine are generalized. The essential basis and evolution of structural policy in the production of sugar beet subcomplex are grounded. Theoretical aspects of interbranch economic relations and the objective conditions of formation of structural policies, especially its formation in agroindustrial production are paid special attention. Regional features of structure forming branches of agriculture are uncovered. Promising directions for improving the mechanism of economic encouragement of state structural policy on the stages of forming o f interbranch economic relations in agroindustrial production are proposed. It is intended for researchers, managers and specialists of agricultural production, graduates, teachers and students of higher educational establishments, economists, business people and anyone interested in the problems of agricultural economy.
sugar beet subcomplex, regional development, the market for sugar, production of sugar beets, raw material, agricultural production.
University of Opole (Poland)