Modeling of the sustainable development of multifunctional farms in Ukraine

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Minkova, O. H.
Sakalo, V. M.
Kalinichenko, A. V.
Gorb, O. O.
Мінькова, Ольга Григорівна
Сакало, Віктор Миколайович
Калініченко, Антоніна Володимирівна
Горб, Олег Олександрович
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Zeszyty naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej
Dynamic optimum planning and forecasting of rational combination of agricultural sectors allows to execute transition from traditional to ecological and organic management at the least costs and risks. The gradation of ecological compatibility of agricultural enterprises is shown in the article. It includes main criteria of the model of balanced development of agricultural manufacture. The efficiency of transition to the highest levels of agriculture ecologization was proved with the use of mathematical programming. The automated model of agricultural manufacture development and easures to increase the level of its ecologization were provided. Presented model is universal and may be applied to any enterprise of the Left-bank Forest steppe zone.
Minkova O. Modeling of the sustainable development of multifunctional farms in Ukraine / O. Minkova, V. Sakalo, A. Kalinichenko, O. Gorb // Zeszyty naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej. Seria: Organizacja i zarządzanie. – 2017. – Nr. 104. – S. 61–75.
development, optimization of agricultural sectors, ecological and mathematical model, ecologization of agriculture